Komunitas Fotografer Tanjung Pinang (KFT)

Foto diatas logo komunitas fotografer yang ada di Tanjungpinang, KEPRI INDONESIA.

Hasil Potret By Willy Sukamoto

Foto diatas adalah hasil dari salah satu anggota Komunitas Fotografer Tanjungpinang (KFT)

Selamat natal 2012

Info-Motret mengucapkan selamat tahun baru natal 2012

Hasil Foto By TL Photography

Foto yang diambil di PEKANBARU

info motret


Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Sejarah Photography

Nah sobat Info-motret kali ini admin akan memberikan sedikit pengetahuan mengenai sejarah photography. Rasanya gak enakkan kalo punya kamera tapi gak tau sejarahnya, Saya sering mendengar kawan saya berkata "photography" itu adalah dari bahasa inggris . y memang dari bahasa inggris namun aslinya dari bahasa yunani kuno. Nah mari saya jelaskan secara detailnya .

Fotografi (dari bahasa Inggris: photography, yang berasal dari kata Yunani yaitu "photos" : Cahaya dan "Grafo" : Melukis/menulis.) adalah proses melukis/menulis dengan menggunakan media cahaya. Sebagai istilah umum, fotografi berarti proses atau metode untuk menghasilkan gambar atau foto dari suatu obyek dengan merekam pantulan cahaya yang mengenai obyek tersebut pada media yang peka cahaya. Alat paling populer untuk menangkap cahaya ini adalah kamera. Tanpa cahaya, tidak ada foto yang bisa dibuat.

Prinsip fotografi adalah memokuskan cahaya dengan bantuan pembiasan sehingga mampu membakar medium penangkap cahaya. Medium yang telah dibakar dengan ukuran luminitas cahaya yang tepat akan menghailkan bayangan identik dengan cahaya yang memasuki medium pembiasan (selanjutnya disebut lensa).

Untuk menghasilkan intensitas cahaya yang tepat untuk menghasilkan gambar, digunakan bantuan alat ukur berupa lightmeter. Setelah mendapat ukuran pencahayaan yang tepat, seorang fotografer bisa mengatur intensitas cahaya tersebut dengan mengubah kombinasi ISO/ASA (ISO Speed), diafragma (Aperture), dan kecepatan rana (speed). Kombinasi antara ISO, Diafragma & Speed disebut sebagai pajanan (exposure).

Di era fotografi digital dimana film tidak digunakan, maka kecepatan film yang semula digunakan berkembang menjadi Digital ISO.

Sejarah fotografi

Kronologi perkembangan fotografi dimulai dengan:
Foto Heliografi dengan subyek pemandangan yang pertama dibuat oleh Joseph Nicéphore Niépce pada tahun 1826.[1]
Boulevard du Temple, foto Daguerreotype pertama yang dibuat oleh Daguerre pada sekitar tahun 1838-1839
Citra berwarna yang pertama, Maxwell, 1861
Foto berwarna yang pertama dibuat oleh Louis Ducos du Hauron pada tahun 1877.
High speed photography, Muybridge, 1878
Citra hasil pemindaian komputer digital, 1957

    1822 – Joseph Nicéphore Niépce membuat foto Heliografi yang pertama dengan subyek Paus Pius VII, menggunakan proses heliografik. Salah satu foto yang bertahan hingga sekarang dibuat pada tahun 1825.[1]
    1826 – Joseph Nicéphore Niépce membuat foto pemandangan yang pertama,[1] yang dibuat dengan pajanan selama 8 jam.
    1835 – William Henry Fox Talbot menemukan proses fotografi yang baru.
    1839 – Louis Daguerre mematenkan daguerreotype.
    1839 – William Henry Fox Talbot menemukan proses positif/negatif yang disebut Tabotype.
    1839 – John Herschel menemukan film negatif dengan larutan Sodium thiosulfate/hyposulfite of soda yang disebut hypo atau fixer.
    1851 – Frederick Scott Archer memperkenalkan proses koloid.
    1854 – André Adolphe Eugène Disdéri memperkenalkan rotating camera yang dapat merekam 8 citra berbeda dalam satu film. Setelah hasilnya dicetak di atas kertas albumen, citra tersebut dipotong menjadi 8 bagian terpisah dan direkatkan pada lembaran kartu. Kartu ini menjadi inspirasi penyebutan (fr:carte de visite, bahasa Inggris:visiting card)
    1861 – Foto berwarna yang pertama diperkenalkan James Clerk Maxwell.
    1868 – Louis Ducos du Hauron mematenkan metode subtractive color photography.
    1871 – Richard Maddox menemukan film fotografis dari emulsi gelatin.
    1876 – F. Hurter & V. C. Driffield memulai evaluasi sistematis pada kepekaan emulsi fotografis yang kemudian dikenal dengan istilah sensitometri.
    1878 – Eadweard Muybridge membuat sebuah foto high-speed photographic dari seekor kuda yang berlari.
    1887 – Film Seluloid yang pertama diperkenalkan.
    1888 – Kodak memasarkan box camera n°1, kamera easy-to-use yang pertama.
    1887 – Gabriel Lippmann menemukan reproduksi warna pada foto.
    1891 – Thomas Alva Edison mematenkan kamera kinetoskopis (motion pictures).
    1895 – Auguste and Louis Lumière menemukan cinématographe.
    1898 – Kodak memperkenalkan produk kamera folding Pocket Kodak.
    1900 – Kodak memperkenalkan produk kamera Brownie.
    1901 – Kodak memperkenalkan 120 film.
    1902 – Arthur Korn membuat teknologi phototelegraphy;; yang mengubah citra menjadi sinyal yang dapat ditransmisikan melalui kabel. Wire-Photos digunakan luas di daratan Eropa pada tahun 1910 dan transmisi antarbenua dimulai sejak 1922.
    1907 – Autochrome Lumière merupakan pemasaran proses fotografi berwarna yang pertama.
    1912 – Vest Pocket Kodak menggunakan 127 film.
    1913 – Kinemacolor, sebuah sistem "natural color" untuk penayangan komersial, ditemukan.
    1914 – Kodak memperkenalkan sistem autographic film.
    1920s – Yasujiro Niwa menemukan peralatan untuk transmisi phototelegraphic melalui gelombang radio.
    1923 – Doc Harold Edgerton menemukan xenon flash lamp dan strobe photography.
    1925 – Leica memperkenalkan format film 35mm pada still photography.
    1932 – Tayangan berwarna pertama dari Technicolor bertajuk Flowers and Trees dibuat oleh Disney.
    1934 – Kartrid film 135 diperkenalkan, membuat kamera 35mm mudah digunakan.
    1936 – IHAGEE membuat Ihagee Kine Exakta 1. Kamera SLR 35mm yang pertama.
    1936 – Kodachrome mengembangkan multi-layered reversal color film yang pertama.
    1937 – Agfacolor-Neu mengembangkan reversal color film.
    1939 – Agfacolor membuat "print" film modern yang pertama dengan materi warna positif/negatif.
    1939 – View-Master memperkenalkan kamera stereo viewer.
    1942 – Kodacolor memasarkan "print" film Kodak yang pertama.
    1947 – Dennis Gabor menemukan holography.
    1947 – Harold Edgerton mengembangkan rapatronic camera untuk pemerintah Amerika Serikat.
    1948 – Kamera Hasselblad mulai dipasarkan.
    1948 – Edwin H. Land membuat kamera instan yang pertama dengan merk Polaroid.
    1952 – Era 3-D film dimulai.
    1954 – Leica M diperkenalkan.
    1957 – Asahi Pentax memperkenalkan kamera SLRnya yang pertama.
    1957 – Citra digital yang pertama dibuat dengan komputer oleh Russell Kirsch di U.S. National Bureau of Standards (sekarang bernama National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST). [2]
    1959 – Nikon F diperkenalkan.
    1959 – AGFA memperkenalkan kamera otomatis yang pertama, Optima.
    1963 – Kodak memperkenalkan Instamatic.
    1964 – Kamera Pentax Spotmatic SLR diperkenalkan.
    1973 – Fairchild Semiconductor memproduksi sensor CCD skala besar yang terdiri dari 100 baris dan 100 kolom.
    1975 – Bryce Bayer dari Kodak mengembangkan pola mosaic filter Bayer untuk CCD color image sensor.
    1986 – Ilmuwan Kodak menemukan sensor dengan kapasitas megapiksel yang pertama.
    2005 – AgfaPhoto menyatakan bangkrut. Produksi film konsumen bermerk Agfa terhenti.
    2006 – Dalsa membuat sensor CCD dengan kapasitas 111 megapixel, yang terbesar saat itu.
    2008 – Polaroid mengumumkan penghentian semua produksi produk film instan berkaitan dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi citra digital.
    2009 - Kodak mengumumkan penghentian film Kodachrome.

Jenis Kamera
    (en:Camera obscura)
    (en:Analog camera) Kamera analog
    (en:Box camera)
    (en:Brownie camera) Kamera Brownie
    (en:Digital camera) Kamera digital
    (en:Folding camera) Kamera folding
    (en:Instant image camera)
    (en:Kinetoscopic camera) Kamera kinetoskopis
    (en:Large format camera) Kamera format besar
    (en:Lomo camera)
    (en:Mammoth camera)
    (en:Medium format camera) Kamera format medium
    (en:Pocket camera) Kamera saku
    (en:Point&Shoot camera)
    (en:Prosumer camera)
    (en:Rapatronic camera)
    (en:Rotating camera)
    (en:Single lens reflex (SLR) camera) Kamera SLR
    (en:Stereo camera)
    (en:Twin lens reflex (TLR) camera)
    (en:View camera)

Foto kamera pakai film

Sejak zaman 2010-2011 kamera slr sangat digemari dimasyarakat indonesia. Buktinya produk canon dan nikon berkembang pesat bagaikan roket di angkasa, hasil banyaknya permintaan inilah munculnya bermacam -macam kamera SLR.

Nah sudah tahu asal-usul kamera kan, Silahkan tinggalkan Comment dibawah y

Memasukkan foto dalam foto

Hi pencinta info-motret, kali ini admin akan menjelaskan cara memasukkan foto dalam foto, sebenarnya caranya gampang cuman jika ada kesalahan sedikit akan merusak detail fotonya, Nah udah gak sabaran y, baiklah mari admin jelaskan bagaimana caranya memasukkan foto dalam foto

- Buka foto utamanya, sebagai contoh saya gunakan foto laptop ini

- Buka foto kedua, foto ini nantinya akan dimasukkan kedalam foto laptop tadi, sebagai wallpaper misalnya :D

- Drag foto kedua ke dalam foto laptop menggunakan move tool (V)

- ctrl + T untuk memperkecil ukuran wallpaper, supaya mudah di taruh pada layar laptop

- Pilih menu edit - transform - distort untuk melakukan distorsi pada wallpaper sehingga sudutnya sama persis dengan sudut layar laptop.

- Drag dan cocokkan semua sudut di foto sesuai dengan LCD laptop. Lakukan dengan teliti supaya hasilnya bagus dan tidak janggal... :D

- Berikut hasil akhirnya. Bisa anda variasikan dengan menambahkan gradient atau match color pada wallpaper supaya lebih blend dengan foto laptop.

Nah sudah bisakan teknik memasukkan foto dalam foto, gimana hasilnya menarik kan, kalo gitu sekian dulu y teknik memasukkan foto dalam foto. Silahkan beri komentar di bawah ini 

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Download text efect photoshop

Download text efect photoshop

Create a Crisp Metallic Text Effect in Photoshop

In this quick tip tutorial, Gianluca Giacoppo will explain how to create a crisp, metallic text effect using just a couple of layer styles in Photoshop.

Create Eroded Metal Text

Create Eroded Metal Text
This photoshop text effect tutorial will show you how to create an eroded metal text effect. Throughout this tutorial we’ll make use of various drawing techniques, channels, and patterns

How to Create a Copper Photoshop Text Effects

How to Create a Copper Photoshop Text Effects
This is a strong and eye-catching photoshop text effect, though relatively simple to create. We’ll be using bevel and emboss styles, pattern overlays, and combining different techniques to mock-up the text into a related background.

Chain Text

This photoshop text effects tutorial will teach you to add a chain to text. The technique can also be used for non-text designs.

Quality Styles (Gold, Chrome, Glass and more)

Quality-metal-styles This is a pack of 16 quality styles for Photoshop. Use the gold, chrome, stone, copper, metal styles and all the others for your web or print work! by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

Create a Metallic Type Treatment Using Photoshop and Cinema 4D

In this tutorial we will explain how to use Cinema 4D and Photoshop to create metal textured 3D typography that includes ornate and decorative swirls.

Bling Text Effect

bling bling effect
This tutorial will show you how to make those popular diamond/gold bling bling text.

Grungy Rusted Carbon Fiber Text Effects

Grungy Rusted Carbon Fiber Text Effects
You will be creating a grungy rusted carbon fiber text effect. Also you be creating the accompanying rusted metal background effect seen in the preview.

How To Create A Gold Text Effects In Photoshop

How To Create A Gold Text Effects In Photoshop
In this photoshop text effect tutorial we will show you how to create a nice gold text effect using this powerful tool. Once you are done, you’ll be able to save this style and apply it wherever you like.

How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop

How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop
This tutorial will show you how to create the 3D text shape and give it a high quality metal look using pure Photoshop.

*Bling Bling* Simple Gold Text Effect

*Bling Bling* Simple Gold Text Effect
This Photoshop text effect tutorial explains how to make a simple gold text effect by using some layer styles, namely the Gradient Overlay layer style!

Smooth Chrome Text


6 Quick’n’Dirty Photoshop Text Effects From Scratch

6 Quick’n'Dirty Photoshop Text Effects From Scratch
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to make six different effects using just layer styles.

Star Wars text effect

Star Wars text effect

Create a Metal Piece with a Graved Text

Create a Metal Piece with a Graved Text

Fire, Smoke, Water, Frost, Ice Photoshop Text Effects

Realistic Scorching Fire Effect

Realistic Scorching Fire Effect
This photoshop text effect tutorial show you trick that you can use to give your text a scorching reality.

Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect

Stunning Text on Wild Fire Effect

Explosion Effect

Explosion Effect

3D Text on Fire

3D Text on Fire

Ice Photoshop Text Effects

Ice Photoshop Text Effects

Aqua Text Effect

Aqua Text Effect

Create an Ice Text Effect

Create an Ice Text Effect

Stunning 3D Effect

Stunning 3D Effect

Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

Dramatic Text on Fire Effect in Photoshop

ramatic Text on Fire Effect in Photoshop

Creating a Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text

Creating a Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text

Smoke Text Effect

Smoke Text Effect

Create Smoke Text

Create Smoke Text

Awesome Milk Typography Effect in Photoshop

Awesome Milk Typography Effect in Photoshop

Water Text Effect


Reflective Liquid Type

Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on simple liquid effects. Most are fairly short, offering a good foundation for the reader on how certain effects are achieved but fail to take that extra step (or few steps) to make the piece really shine…

Create Destructive Black and White Lettering with a Dramatic Splash Effect (video)

We’ll turn standard text into a stunning, destructive illustration, and give it a final unique look. So, let’s rock this one and learn all about the cool techniques included here! A great tut to look through among the many Photoshop text effects.

Plastic Jelly Styles

In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we’ll be using layer styles to make a plastic gel-type style that you can easily apply to text and shapes. You can download the PSD file from the link at the bottom of the tutorial to just copy+paste the styles.
Plastic Jelly Styles

Plastic Text in Photoshop


3D Photoshop Text Effects

Create a Steam Powered Typographic Treatment

This Photoshop text effects tutorial will teach you ancient and magic typography.

Create a Steam Powered Typographic Treatment

Pressed – Letterpress Photoshop Styles

Pressed - Letterpress Photoshop Styles Save time by using pre-built great looking styles in Photoshop! This is a set of 5 letterpress Photoshop styles – they will make your text look as though it’s been pressed into any color background. With each of the 5 primary styles, there are 3 styles based on your text size: Small, Medium or Large. In all there are 15 styles. by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

3D Text Shatter Effect

3D Text Shatter Effect

This photoshop text effect is made in two programs, Cinema 4D and Photoshop.If you haven’t heard of Cinema 4D before it is a relatively easy to use 3d application, it is quite similar to 3dsMax or Maya. I will go pretty in depth with the Cinema 4D part, for all the inexperienced users, so bare with me if I go too slow.

Dimensions – 3D Generator Action

Dimensions - 3D Generator Action The Photoshop Action ‘Dimensions’, helps you to generate whatever you want (text, image, shape, etc,) in 3D by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

Brick Text

Brick Text

Unique 3D Text – Xara 3D + Photoshop Tutorial

Unique 3D Text – Xara 3D + Photoshop Tutorial

Create A Floral Colorful Solid Text Effect

Create A Floral Colorful Solid Text Effect

Fresh Typographic Effect

Fresh Typographic Effect

New Way to Create 3D Text

New Way to Create 3D Text

Using Typography from PS to Create a 3D Text Render in C4D

Using Typography from PS to Create a 3D Text Render in C4D

Valentines Day Photoshop Style

Valentines Day Photoshop Style

Using Light and Shade to Bring Text to Life


How to Create Explosive Photoshop Text Effects in Cinema 4D

How to Create Explosive Photoshop Text Effects in Cinema 4D

Kaboom Exploding Text

Kaboom Exploding Text

3D Textured Text Effect

3D Textured Text Effect

Create a 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop

Create a 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop

3D Text Effect 2

3D Text Effect 2

Design Soft Stylized 3D Type

Design Soft Stylized 3D Type

Amazing Illustrator 3D Effects And PS Brush Creation

Amazing Illustrator 3D Effects And PS Brush Creation

Create a Spectacular Grass Photoshop Text Effects

Create a Spectacular Grass Photoshop Text Effects

3D Typography in Photoshop

3D Typography in Photoshop

Create a Spectacular Style Text Effect

Create a Spectacular Style Text Effect

Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography

Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography

Papercraft Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Create a 3D Flowery Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Add Fantastic Color to 3D Text

3D Text Effexts

Starcraft 2 Text Effect


Candy Coated Text Effect


Realistic Chrome and Glossy Plastic Text Effect


How To Create a Striking Typographic Illustration

3D Text Effexts

How to Create a Realistic 3D Stone Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Create 3D Text with Some Extreme Lighting

3D Text Effexts

3D Text Effect in Photoshop (video)

3D Text Effexts

Transformers Effect

3D Text Effexts

3D Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

How to Quickly Create a Stylish Retro Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Text Effect Quickie: Delicious Chocolate Text


3D Text

3D Text Effexts

How to Quickly Create a Stylish Retro Text Effect


Recreate the ‘Bee Movie’ Text Effect


Simple, Sleek & Stylish Text Effect


Wood, Fabric, Texture Text Effects with Photoshop

Create a Stitched Denim Text Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, psd tuts will explain how to combine Photoshop filters, brushes, and vector shapes to create a stitched denim text effect using Photoshop CS6.

Wood Inlay Text

In this Photoshop tutorial I’ll show you how to create a wood inlay effect using wood textures, layer masks and a few creative selection techniques.

Design a Skin-Textured Typography Scene

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a 3D-looking textured text effect in Photoshop without the need for any 3D tools or applications.

Vintage Letterpress

Vintage-Letterpress 22 actions make it simple to create that vintage wood type letterpress look. Simply select the layer and hit play! Complete with 11 different textures and 2 sizes of each. Great for print or web! Works on ALL layer types (text, vector & raster). by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

Wooden Text Effect in Photoshop


How to Put Smokin’ Bullet Holes and a Wanted Sign into a Piece of Wood


Text on Turf


Create a Stitched Text Effect for an iPad Wallpaper

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a custom stitched text effect for an iPad Wallpaper.

Furry Text in Photoshop


Furry Text


Create a Baseball-Inspired Text Effect in Photoshop

Applying texture to a text effect can be a lot of fun. In this tutorial we will explain how to create a baseball-inspired text effect using layer styles, patterns, and brushes.

Text in Stitches


Patches Text Effect


Elegant Leather Style Text Effect


Light, Glass Text Effects with Photoshop

Create a Neon Text Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial Michael Kruiswijk will show you how to make a neon text effect in Photoshop using layer styles and textures.
Let’s get started!

Lighting Shutter Text Effect Tutorial

In this photoshop text effects tutorial artist will teaches you how to create this beautiful slow shutter text effect.

Leopard ‘X’ Effect

leopard x effect

Advance Glow Effect


Sparkling Text Wallpaper


Elegant Glass Text Effects

8 Transparent Layer Styles & 3 Elegant Glass Text effects created by using them in combination. Works great for Icons and Buttons too! by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

Glowing and Sparkling Intense Light 3D Logo

3D Text Effexts

Premium glass text styles

Premium glass text styles
6 high detailed text styles – clear glass #1, #2, metal, gold, tin and chrome. Works with thin and bold fonts. Some text effects used two piled up layers. by GraphicRiver (premium Photoshop Add-on – price $5 )

Create an Editable On Screen Text Effect using Smart Objects

In this Awesome Photoshop tutorial, artist is going to show you how to create an editable screen shot text effect. You can easily edit the text, you don’t need to repeat all steps from scratch, just double click the text layer and change it. This tutorial also has some good applications of Smart Objects.

Illustrator Tutorial – 3D lighted Photoshop text effects

3D Text Effexts

Stunning Detailed Typography

Stunning Detailed Typography

How to Make 3D Neon Light Typography

3D Text Effexts

Stunning Neon Light 3D Typography

3D Text Effexts

Create a Layered Glowing Text Effect


Electrifying Text


Colorful Glowing Photoshop text effects


Transparent Glass Lettering in Photoshop


Text Effect Quickies: Bubble Text


Suspended Photoshop text effects


Icey Styles in Photoshop

Shining Neon Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Photoshop Quick Tips #2 – Neon Effect with Animation (video)


A Slick Supernatural Photoshop text effects


2009 Multi-colored effects


Gauzy Text Effect


Create a Realistic Weedy Text Effect in Photoshop


Design a Shining Crystal Text Effect in Photoshop


Grunge, shattered Text Effects with Photoshop

Grunge Rubber Stamp


Create a Dawn of War Style Effect


Create a Yummy Cookies Text Effect in Photoshop


Create Creepy, Branch Based Typography


Deep Grunge Photoshop text effects


God of War III Inspired Cracked Text Effect


Chalk Photoshop text effects


Graffiti with Photoshop


Create a Scratched Metal Text Effect in Photoshop


Create a Crispy-Crust Text Effect with Flower Texture in Photoshop


Cracky Text Effect


Design a Grunge-Style Abstract Typography with Rusted Metal Texture in Photoshop


Translucent Text Effect with Sky and Cloud


License Plate Photoshop text effects


Design a Fragmented Text Effect with Scrap Texture in Photoshop


Design a Soft and Fluffy Text Effect in Photoshop


Create an Awesome Grass Texture in Photoshop


Design a Snowy Rock Text Effect in Photoshop


Ancient Golden Text Effect In Photoshop


Design a Refreshing Natural Text Effect with Leaves and Wood Texture in Photoshop


Design a Cool Abstract-Style Shattered Text Effect in Photoshop


Create an Realistic Dark Ocean Text Effect in Photoshop


Watercolour, Retro, Floral Photoshop Text Effects

Old School Type


Retro Text Effect in Photoshop


Create a Bright Floral Photoshop text effects


Cool Wet Ink Typography Effect


Create a Frilly 2009 Typo


Retro Pop Style

3D Text Effexts

Super Cool Frilly Bits Typography


Super Cool Frilly Bits Typography (Video)


Watercolor Text


Dynamic Recessed Watercolor Typography in Photoshop


Delicate Photoshop text effects

Delicate Photoshop text effects

The Sugar Bag Photoshop text effects


Retro Text


Awesome Floral Type in Fireworks and Photoshop in 5 minutes


Useful Photoshop Text Techniques

Impressive-Looking Photoshop text effects


How To Use Type on Paths and Shapes in Photoshop (video)


Typography Wallpaper in Photoshop


Image Inside Text


Halftone Effect


Cartoon/Comic-Style Photoshop text effects
